SSD Help

You can make a post in my dedicated SSD Help Reddit thread which is regularly rotated over time. Old versions are archived for future use in searches. It’s often a busy thread, so you may also contact me directly on Reddit.

Alternatively, the community’s discord server, linked above, can be a great resource for quick information. We have a lot of well-informed users and even quite a few names from the storage industry, including multiple ex-reviewers.

For more general information on SSDs, check out my other resources.


What is the purpose of your site and what you do?
Starting in May of 2018, I began supplying information to Reddit’s buildapcsales subreddit. Over time I was able to build my own subreddit where I regularly report on SSD and SSD-related news. I built up resources including a spreadsheet and a buying guide to help people pick the right SSD. Since then I have expanded to having a discord server and have helped build a wider community of people. The goal is to educate users on the technology and to keep manufacturers honest. Over time this has meant better relations with reviewers and expansion into adjacent areas like enterprise and other forms of non-volatile media. The website is an extension of my hobby to help organize relevant data and produce more content.

How can I support these efforts?
I have a Patreon, Amazon Affiliate, and ads on this website. In the future these options may expand. Patreon funds mostly go towards website costs, Amazon Affiliate is to maintain the spreadsheet including TechPowerUp’s SSD database maintainer, and ads will help me create relevant content in my free time.

What’s next?
If there is a topic you’d like to see, contact me on Reddit. SSDs aren’t going anywhere but I intend to cover future forms of non-volatile media as they become relevant. We’re always expanding our knowledge base and capabilities to help users get the most out of their storage.

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